Evaluation Of Articles Related To Climate Change Published in Faculty and Institute Journals of Universities Between 2012 and 2021 in Turkey : Retrospective Analysis


  • Erdem Kemal Neboğlu Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Environmental Health Interdisciplinary Doctorate Program, Aydın, Turkey.
  • Belgin Yıldırım Aydın Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Nursing, Department of Public Health Nursing, Aydın, Turkey


Environmental Health, Climate Change, Global Warming, Health, Environmental Sciences


Aim: This retrospective research was conducted to analyze studies on climate change published in faculty and institute journals in Turkey between 2012-2021 years.

Material and Methods: A research procedure was determined that analyzes the studies available in the literature on climate change practices in the field of environmental health. Using the climate change keyword, selection and improvement methods were carried out between 16,400 documents in Google Scholar and Dergipark databases. The articles on climate change have been meticulously selected from among the available articles. Articles that
were not related to the subject, were not published within the specified date range and whose full text could not be reached were excluded, and the
remaining 61 studies formed the sample of this article.

Results: It it has been seen that the examined articles were mostly research articles, were descriptive and had two authors, and mostly the scale method has been used as a data collection tool. Among the researches, the most studies on environmental health (health, urbanization, disasters, agriculture and animal farming) and law science (international agreements) were found. This research has revealed that studies on climate change have increased in recent years.

Coclusion: When the studies conducted in the last ten years were analyzed in order to take attention to the negative consequences of climate change, an increase in their number was observed and similar results were obtained with previous studies in the literature.

