Türkçe Doğa Temelli Uygulamalar İle Ruh Sağlığının Güçlendirilmesi

Strengthening Mental Health with Nature-Based Practices


  • Hatice Öner Aydın Adnan Menderes University


Environment, Nature, Eco-Anxiety, Ecopsychology, Ecotherapy


The environment is very important for the continuation of life. The natural environment is very important for people to survive and be healthy. In recent years, due to the deterioration in the balance of the ecosystem, a number of negative problems such as disasters, climate change and pollution around the world have begun to threaten human life in all aspects. Adverse environmental conditions have caused individuals to experience some mental problems such as future anxiety, eco-anxiety and depression. Diğer taraftan doğa temelli terapi ve uygulamaların da ruhsal sorunların tedavisi ve bireyin iyilik halinin güçlenmesinde çok öne çıkmıştır. It is important to increase the awareness of psychiatric nurses about ecopsychological approaches, especially in strengthening mental health.

